Thursday, August 30, 2012

Summer days drifting' away.

Yesterday was the best first day of school that I've ever had. And that's the way it should be, since it is the beginning of my senior year and all. :)

I started my new job, went to 3/4 of my courses (don't worry the 4th class is a TuTh, so I won't have it until later today!), and was able to relax when I got back home later in the day. I'm taking four engineering courses this year: ME 332 Fluid Mechanics, ME 391 Mechanical Analysis, ME 440 Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering, and ME 422 Intro to Combustion. This is going to be fun, right? Actually, I've been pretty psyched for these classes since the middle of summer when I was doing my engineering internship. It's just really awesome to see anything that I learn in school being applied to people's daily jobs! I think my favorite class is going to be my toughest (ME 332), but it's still pretty early in the semester to tell!

How was everyone else's first day? Were you able to make it to all of your classes on time and in the right buildings? Sometimes it's tough to navigate this campus, but (most) upperclassmen should be able to lead you in the right direction!

And like I said, I also started my new job! I'm an undergraduate mentor for EGR 100 Intro to Engineering this semester! I have to attend the 8am small group session (lab) every Monday, but I found out that my friend Ross is the other mentor of that class, so that'll make it a lot better! I have another section in the middle of the day on Wednesdays as well as open lab hours Wednesday nights, but overall, I don't think it will overwhelm me with taking up too much time. I'm actually really excited to meet the freshman and future engineers. Who knows if you'll ever get the chance to work with them? And it's also a fantastic way to promote Phi Sigma Rho, since we are an engineering sorority and all. :)

Time for my bakery job now! Luckily, I got my favorite shift this semester, decorating football cookies, so hopefully it'll make it go by fast! Can't you tell I just want it to be Friday at 8pm?!?!

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