Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let's don't say goodbye, I hate the way it sounds...

“ if you don’t mind, let’s just say ‘for now’.”
- See You When I See You, Jason Aldean

Today was my last day with Eaton for the summer. It’s bittersweet, and I truly mean that. I am SO excited to get back home to the mitten, to see my family and friends, to move into my apartment, to start school again and take classes that I know I’ll enjoy, and to get back to my sorority sisters so we can FINALLY become a chapter, but I’m also REALLY going to miss Oregon.

I have changed so much this summer, in so many ways. I never used to be comfortable doing new things alone, and I have never been away from my family and friends for so long and so far, but I’ve found out that I’ve come to really enjoy it. I met some pretty incredible people out here, and I was able to share those new experiences with them. I found out that I really like hiking and running, some things that I had never thought I would like, and I’ve fallen even more in love with camping and being outdoors than before. I now love to cook and look up crazy recipes with ingredients I’ve never heard of or tasted before, just to try something new on my palate for a change ( is excellent for this by the way! I spent many-an-hour browsing for new recipes that I want to try, and some that I’ve made more than once because I like it so much).

I’ve learned more about what makes a successful business than what the majority of my peers learn in internships with other companies and other majors. I worked with all kinds of different people in different positions and learned so many new things from all of them. I feel like I was spoiled with my location though; everyone in Oregon is just SO FREAKIN’ NICE. Our Power Center has employees with some of the most professional yet relaxed relationships within the office and on the manufacturing floor. It makes for such a great working environment and promotes improvement and success in everyone’s everyday work. In my opinion, Eaton is so unique in this aspect, and that’s something I feel is especially important when seeking companies to work for full time. I would definitely consider working for them again, if they’ll have me! 

Also, this is what my coworkers surprised me with after my presentation to them today. It's a QA (Quality Assurance) sheet from one of the projects that I worked on, and all of the guys in my line and in the office signed it. I'm going to miss them so much. I can't wait to hang it up in my room next year. <3


And I’ll be back in this city before I know it. I did so much in the greater Portland and Orgeon/Washington area, but there’s still SO many things I need to do. My first stop will be the Power Center, though. :)

Overall, this summer was as close to perfect as it could possibly get, and that’s really saying something for how I felt three short months ago. It flew by, but at the same time, I’ve felt like it’s gone on forever. I guess I’m just ready to start another chapter in my life and hope that I take away all the best aspects of this summer with me.

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