Saturday, May 5, 2012

Schools out for summer!

I know, I know, the title is really cliche and I've used it before, but it's true! I should have posted this yesterday, but in the frenzy of taking my final two exams, moving out, and saying goodbye to my best friend who's transferring to another university, I was a little busy.

Finals week was.. okay, I guess. I only had three finals (one on Tuesday and two on Friday) but those last two just made the week long and boring. When I wasn't studying I was reading my book, and when I wasn't reading I was studying. Almost all of my friends were done with their exams by Wednesday or Thursday, so they all got to hang out late on Thursday while I was studying and going to bed early in preparation for my 7:45 am Friday morning final.. :/ It really sucked considering I'm going to be across the country all summer and it was my last chance to see a lot of them until September.. Thank goodness for online video chatting!

And speaking of which, I finally got my location and I'm going to be interning with Eaton in Portland, Oregon all summer! I'm both really excited and extremely nervous. It will be my first job actually pertaining to my major, so that will be AWESOME finally seeing how everything I'm learning in class applies to the real world. But it will also be my first time all on my own for an extended period of time. And I have to admit, I'm not too thrilled that I'm SO far away, at least for my first internship. I was prepared to be placed somewhere in the Midwest or along the East Coast, but the West Coast had me totally taken aback. Fortunately, I've heard Portland is a gorgeous up and coming city full of young adults, urban living, and is surrounded by National Parks. That, I can definitely live with. :]

The only thing I have to do now is find an apartment, buy my plane ticket out there, and pack! It may not seem like a ton of things to do, but it will DEFINITELY take up the majority of my time over the next two weeks until my start date!

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