Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Well, it's that time of year again.. the oh-so-dreaded FINALS. I was lucky enough not to have mine start on Wednesday, but I am part of the unfortunate bunch that will be having two of them on Friday... So maybe I didn't exactly luck out then.

Either way, it feels like I've just been studying forever.. Last week was our final design project for my Mechanical Engineering Design class, so I didn't even get a chance to start studying until AFTER that was finished.. That project went well though, so I can't complain.

I haven't decided if my waking up super early to study before my 7:45am exam today was a good choice or not.. probably not since I'm procrastinating and decided to blog instead.. :p

I should probably get back to studying now.. good luck to everyone on their final exams, presentations, projects, and papers! And congratulations to all of the new Michigan State graduates, some of my closest friends, I will miss you all next year while you start your big person jobs! <3

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