Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy National Engineering Week!

Boy, has this been the BUSIEST week of the semester (and it's not even midterms yet!) Every day since last Sunday there has been something engineering related going on to take up time outside of school and work. It's almost like Rush Week for the Greek system, except nerdier. The College of Engineering had a range of events planned from companies to come in and talk with interested students, social events for the different engineering clubs, a banquet recognizing those students and staff who have contributed immensely to the College over the year, and hosting the Engineering Expo where students can talk with companies and apply for internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. Seeing as I have yet to find an internship for this upcoming summer, my main focus of the week was researching which companies I wanted to speak with at the expo, tweaking my resume, and practicing professionalism. I'd say it was a pretty successful career fair as I gained four interviews from the experience! I had two of them on Friday and two are scheduled for next week, so hopefully at least one will go well enough so I can be employed this summer! Here's a video of how a few other MSU engineering students reacted to the week:

I hope that other engineering students were able to get as much out of the week as I did! And I'd like to thank the College and all of the groups who hosted all of the events, it was extremely beneficial!

And now it's back to studying for midterms.. but only one more week until SPRING BREAK 2012!!!! :D

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