Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Go Green. Beat Blue. Give Red!

I feel (and probably look) like a war hero in the medical department today. Before I tell you the story, let me explain why.

Currently, Michigan State and the University of Michigan are battling to see which school can get more participants, whether it be students, staff, or alumni, to donate blood to the American Red Cross. It's an annual event in the beginning of Spring semester, and MSU's goal this year is to collect over 1400 units! There are several places on campus that you can go to to donate to make it more convenient for everyone interested. You can check the times, locations, and dates here.

But back to my story. I had an appointment scheduled right before lunch, so I didn't really have time to eat after class (don't worry, I ate breakfast though!) I also have a tendency to iron deficiency, so it's more difficult for me to donate than other people. So I go to my appointment time, wait around for about half an hour before my blood pressure and hemoglobin are tested, and then find out that my iron level is too low to donate.

Strike one.

I had the opportunity to test the hemoglobin on the other side of my body, so I accepted, and thankfully it was just above high enough for me to donate! After taking the health question exam I was led to the beds to finally give blood. Unfortunately for me, I hadn't had much water all day, and my veins were dehydrated, so the first time I got poked with a needle, it missed.

Strike two.

Too many things had gone wrong initially already, but I wasn't ready to give up yet. Luckily, everything worked out the second time on my other arm, so I was out of there in no time after that! The only thing bad was that I had both arms wrapped up in gauze and red tape, and a band-aid on each of my middle fingers. Like I said earlier, a true blood donation war hero. :p

I love the intense rivalry between our school and that other one down the road, and being able to participate in it just makes me feel that much more school-spirited! If you have the opportunity and are willing to donate, please do so! It's an awesome feeling knowing that you can possibly save a life by donating blood. I'm not a big fan of needles or pin pricks, but I find it much more rewarding knowing that I'm part of something bigger than myself.

Go Green. Beat Blue. Give Red!

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