I absolutely love my summer job! I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I work at an ice cream shop in my outdoor mall called Marble Slab Creamery. It's similar to Cold Stone Creamery, but we were established first :p (Us in 1983, and them in 1988, PLUS we're international!)
Well, I love this place, I love the people I work with, and I LOVE the ice cream! My coworkers are all mostly my age or younger, and some of them even go to Michigan State with me, or will be enrolling there next year! It's great to work there in the summer because we have to keep the store cool so the ice cream won't melt, but it doesn't stop the heat from rising when it gets super busy. Thursday-Saturday nights are our busiest nights, of course, and we stay open later than the rest of the mall because there is an MJR Movie Theatre right next to us that stays open later too.
When I say busy, I mean busy. On a typical weekend, there is a line that wraps twice around the store of often times out the door. It's loud, there's a ton of kids running around everywhere, and half the time, people cannot make up their minds about which ice cream to choose. It's hectic, but I have so much fun there. We joke around behind the counter and in the back, and our customers love to see that we have just as good of a time as they do.
I think one of my favorite aspects of my job is the kids. They are always so excited to bubblegum or cotton candy ice cream, because it's colorful and a special treat from just eating regular bubblegum or cotton candy. But when I mix in the sprinkles or gummy bears or M&M's into it on the slab, they are just so amazed by it and they're faces light up like nothing else. It's just too cute!
If you're ever in Clinton Township at the Partridge Creek mall, you should come visit! I have a ton of shifts there, so I will most likely be working, especially on the weekends. I've also seen a ton of people from Michigan State there too! It's so nice to see that when I'm away from East Lansing :]
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