Monday, May 2, 2011

History will be made.

This is an incredible moment in American history.

Osama Bin Laden has been declared dead.

Justice has finally been served, after almost ten years of fighting this horrific war against terrorism.

Apparently there was a patriotic riot inside of the South Complex courtyard because that's where the majority of the James Madison students live, so it only makes sense. Unfortunately I was unable to attend because I was across campus at the Finals Flash Rave 2.0 on top of the Shaw Parking structure.

Either way, it's a party tonight.

Also, the nerd in me would like to inform you all that Bin Laden's death has fallen on the 66th anniversary of Hitler's death and the 13th of the fictional Tom Riddle's, otherwise known as Lord Voldemort. Coincidence much?


  1. also on the 8th anniversary of "mission accomplished." ironic much?
