Sunday, April 3, 2011

For the Horde!

"What do we want?
"When do we want them?"

Friday marked the end of the campus wide event "Humans vs. Zombies" at Michigan State.

I'm torn: on one hand, I will be getting a significant amount of time back that will be devoted to doing important things like school work and picking up shifts at the bakery, both good considering it is close to the end of the semester, but, it also means I will not have any specific reason to run around campus getting to know a bunch of new people.

I met so many new people through this game, whether they lived on or off campus, in my complex or across campus. Many of them are similar to me, too. This brought a bunch of people from a school of 47,000 and reminded them that sometimes it's okay to be 7 years old again by playing a giant game of tag with nerf guns. What could be a better stress relief than that?

Being only the second time MSU has done this, the amount of people participating nearly doubled from about 400 in the first game to 750 in the second. The Mods, students who regulated the missions and rules, only expect this number to increase exponentially, and I believe it. Every time I walked around outside with an orange bandana around my head, someone walking by would ask me what in the world I was doing or even if they could join the game.

Sometimes I just don't believe that college can be THIS fun. :] Now I cannot wait for the next game this Fall!

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