Monday, February 7, 2011


YEAHH SUPER BOWL! But in all honesty, I had no particular affiliation with either team, so I didn't really care who won. :p The Super Bowl is just an awesome excuse to set homework and housework aside to hang out with friends and eat tons of snack foods. While I do actually enjoy watching the football game, something that would not have occurred before I came to a Big Ten university with a highly ranked football team, I think my favorite part is the commercials in between plays. Sadly, I wasn't all that impressed with the commercials this year. :/ They just couldn't top something as good as this one from last year:

This one is just so so cute! :]

My friends' floor held a Super Bowl party in their lounge stocked with Pokey Stix, pop, and a ton of people! Basically the entire floor was there. You may ask, "how can you watch the big game in the middle of a study lounge?!" Simple: lots of electrical cords and a neat projector! The boys hooked it up so that the screen was as large as it could be against the biggest wall of the room. The high definition of the video was superb too! I wish this picture turned out, I was a little upset with the quality, or lack thereof, in the dark.

Either way, it's pretty cool, eh?

Well I guess it's off to do the homework that I've procrastinated on all weekend! But an excellent weekend it was. :]

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