Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Don't stop believin'.

Well I certainly hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays. Mine hasn't been too bad, I suppose. I haven't done anything worthwhile, literally. I haven't decided whether that is a good or a bad thing yet. I worked pretty hard all semester long so it's very nice to have the break, but I've become slightly lethargic. So instead of procrastinating and waking up close to noon, tomorrow I will wake up, workout, and start my to-do list. It's not a very long list, but it is definitely full of things that should get done before going back to school.

One thing that I have done though, is watch A LOT of hockey. For being such an avid hockey fan, I didn't have time to keep up with the NHL as much as I normally would. One of my favorite things about coming back home is to watch hockey with my family, AND the fact that we have the NHL Channels on TV. It was just as much fun during the Winter Olympics last February because I would constantly check the statistics after daily games. One day, I literally watched hockey from 8am to 3am. And what a great day that was. :]

Other than hockey, I've discovered the joy in television series that is Glee. I've had the first 12 episodes on DVD but I didn't watch the first few of them until today. If you haven't gotten onto the Glee-train, please do! The talent that the actors have is simply incredible, and it's not just another high school drama television series. I'm definitely going to get the soundtracks as soon as I can!

I'm off to bed now, but here's to the increase in my productivity tomorrow beginning at 9am! Buonanotte!

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