Thursday, October 21, 2010

The evening star is shining bright, so make a wish and hold on tight.

- "Down in New Orleans (Prologue)" , The Princess and the Frog

If there's anything that intrigues me more than life itself, it's space. If I wasn't going to become a biologically based engineer for practicality reasons, I would totally be going for a degree in astrophysics and astronomy. Since I was little, I have gazed at star patterns, comets, planets, lunar eclipses, etc., and it simply never gets old. The Perseus Meteor Shower in early August is probably my favorite time of the year because it is possible to see an average of 5-60 shooting stars per hour, plus it's warm enough to lay outside in the grass all night. Unfortunately, I live in a heavily light polluted area, so my experience with star gazing is nothing like it could be if I travelled farther north.

The reason I bring this up is because of a few articles I've found on Yahoo.

The first regards a galaxy astronomers have recently discovered that is claimed to be the oldest ever to be found. You can access this article here. It is absolutely amazing that we continuously discover celestial bodies that further expand our knowledge of the universe, which in retrospect is infinitesimally tiny.

There was also an Earth-like planet called 'Goldilocks' discovered in a neighboring galaxy. It's not too big or too small; not too far or too close to its dominant star; not too hot and not too cold. Wouldn't it make this planet just right for similar organisms to exist? It's crazy to think about this, especially because it's something we've questioned since the dawn of time: are we alone?

What do you think about this?

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