Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bonne chance!

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to wish everyone good luck this week on their midterms and other various papers, presentations, projects, etc. I have a few exams to study for still, so this shan't be a long post.

MSU Spartan Football is 8-0!!! And #5 in the Nation!! How excited are you to be a Spartan fan?

I lost my voice this weekend from a compound of multiple occasions. There were two hockey games (one a tie, one a win!) and I also went to the dance club on Saturday, so my voice is completely shot. It was all well worth it though, I can promise you that. :]

Halloween is this weekend!! What is everyone going to be this year? When I finish my costume, I will promise to upload photos.

Well, it's late and I still have laundry to do. Bon soir!

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