Thursday, January 3, 2013

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.

It's 2013! I guess the Mayans were wrong about the end of the world thing..

Well that means we can all start our New Year's resolutions now! But let me rephrase - New Year's GOALS. According to Google, the word 'resolution' means 'a firm decision to do or not to do something.' On the other hand, the definition of a 'goal' is 'the result or achievement toward which effort is directed.' To me, that word sounds so much more encouraging and actually makes me WANT to accomplish what I intend to do. This year, my goals are pretty simple:

  1. Be stronger and healthier. I feel like I've already started this by beginning running, choosing to eat well, and encouraging my friends and family to do the same, but I know that you can always improve when it comes to this lifestyle. I just organized my schedule for the upcoming semester, and I already feel a little overwhelmed by the shear amount of color splashed across my Google Calendar. I will DEFINITELY need to find some time to work out/run in there in order to ease my mind while building some muscle.
  2. Be less judgmental. This is one thing that I've found people are very afraid to admit about themselves because it is normally not a desired quality. I KNOW that I can easily jump to conclusions, and I've come to realize I can easily form an opinion about someone or something based on something that someone else has said or heard. I want to keep more of an open mind, especially since I will be graduating and entering the real world soon, and I'll need that to further succeed. 
  3. Run a half marathon. I know this is on the same terms as my first goal, but I wanted to be a little more specific. I'm not sure if it will be this year or next year, but I would LOVE to run in the Disney Half Marathon down in Orlando. :)
  4. Set aside some 'me' time every week. It isn't very often that I am able to take the time to relax during the week, as my boyfriend frequently reminds me, so all of that stress builds up in unhealthy ways. I plan to bring my flute and piccolo up to campus with me this semester, because playing music has always been able to force me to relax even when I don't think I'm capable of it at the time.
Of course I have plenty of other things I want to accomplish over the year as well. I want to bake and cook more from my endless list of Pinterest recipes and cookbooks,  I want to scrapbook more especially when it comes to documenting events from my sorority, and I definitely need to start thinking more seriously about a full time job for next Spring.. It's a long and stressful list but I'm confident that I will be able to get he majority of items accomplished this year. :)

2013: You WILL be a fantastic year, whether you like it or not!

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