Tuesday, December 4, 2012

'Tis the season.

How in the world is it already the LAST WEEK of Fall semester classes?!?!?! I know that they say time flies, but boy, did it have to fly that quickly?! I remember when I was writing a blog about midterms and now it's FINALS?! I guess my schedule is so consistently busy that I never stop to think about how fast the time is going by...

I think this has been one of my most inactive weeks for finals preparation as well. I lucked out, in terms of engineering, because I didn't have a design project to do for the end of any of my classes. The only MAJOR projects I had to work on were two papers, a short presentation, and a test I have tomorrow acting as our final. No wonder I only just realized how close it was to going home..

And Christmas! I don't even want to think about that just yet. I have NO IDEA what I'm getting my close friends, let alone my boyfriend or family members. Good thing there's about a week and a half between the beginning of break and the actual holiday! I'll have some seriously planning, shopping, and creating to do during that time. That's another thing about me. I like giving gifts that I make! Pinterest is a WONDERFUL source for all sorts of DIY crafts, so I'm bound to find something cute to make! Most likely it will revolve around food. I feel like those are the best types of gifts sometimes.. :p

Speaking of presents, I actually have a Christmas list this year! If I even ask for anything, it's normally tuition or sorority money, but this year, I'm asking Santa for a running watch, a nice scarf (preferably Spartan themed), and a new travel coffee mug! I probably could have gotten all of these things for myself on Black Friday (or whatever they call it now since it starts ON Thanksgiving...), but I wanted to change it up this year and make it different for my parents :p What are you asking for this year?

This Christmas break should be really relaxing , yet incredibly productive. I already of a list going (and I've probably checked it more than just twice ;]). It mostly consists of catching up on all of the books I have yet to read and television shows I have yet to finish. But I do have quite a bit to do for Phi Sigma Rho as well, considering I will be Senior Member Educator next semester! I'm very excited to recruit for our Gamma class and teach them all about Greek life and Phi Rho! :D My junior Member Educator is SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC about it, so it's going to be fantastic working with her!

Ahh! I'm so exicted! I just need to get through five more classes and three finals!

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