Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You've arrived at Panic Station.

Well everybody, it's officially halfway through Fall semester 2012! And you know what that means?!

It's midterms week.

Of everyone I talked to though, I think I've gotten the worst of it. A lot of my friends have had there exams and projects and presentations between the beginning of last week and the end of next week. Me? I get 4 exams in a 72 hour span. I haven't decided if that's a good thing, or a bad thing yet. It's kind of like finals week, so I'm used to the constant studying, but having classes, work, and Phi Rho in-between all of it is making it pretty difficult. But I really do like the fact that I can get everything done and over with in one week... Hmm, I guess my grades will just have to show me how well I like these kind of weeks!

I hope that everyone else is having a better week, at least academically. Everything else is going well this week for me! My boyfriend and I are celebrating our one year anniversary, planning for Initiation and Installation for Phi Sigma Rho are going smoothly so far, and I get to go to Cedar Point on Saturday! I think it'll be a great wrap up to a crazy, dedicated-to-studying week.

Oh! I forgot to update about my experiences at the Career Fair! I talked to about 10-12 companies that day including, Ford, Chrysler, GM, Eli Lilly, Whirlpool, Belden, General Electric and Marathon. (I really went for the big companies this year, didn't I?) Out of that four hours, I received interviews with Chrysler (x2), Whirlpool, and Belden, and I'm still waiting to hear back from Ford this week! I had also had interviews with Shell Oil and GE Aviation earlier in the day, so that brings my total interview count up to 6 now! Now I just have to cross my fingers and wait to see if a company offers me an internship because I've done all that I can do :)

Good luck to you all on midterms, projects, presentations, and everything else going on this week! And let's hope for a HUGE Spartan victory at the school down the road this weekend!


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