Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring!

Can you believe it's already the first day of Spring? It's not like we even really had a winter (not that I'm complaining!) and currently, it feels like summer outside! I heard that we might even hit a record high temperature in Michigan today; 86 degrees in March, doesn't that just seem so strange? I think I was still wearing my coat and jeans on the first day of spring last year..

Anyway, it seems that the nice weather is making it difficult to stay on task, doesn't it? I know I've had trouble with that since we got back from sprain break and I saw all of my friends outside playing sports and soaking up the sun.. I didn't even get to go outside for more than just walking between classes until yesterday! It was pretty warm outside too, and I think I even got a little sunburned on my face!

Well I hope everyone enjoys their first day of spring 2012! Take a walk, bike around campus, or just sit outside your dorm or class building and enjoy the warmth. I'm going to go outside and study for my exam now! :]

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