Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Animal crackers in my soup.

Phew! I think this is the first time I've been able to breath in the past week with a design project, an exam, interview preparation, and the Phi Rho lock-in! And the weather is nice enough to enjoy on my break as well; not too cool and not too hot.

Anyway, I'll talk about my interview and Phi Rho since you probably don't want to hear all about the processes of a manufacturing plant or how not-very-well by electrical engineering exam went.. So first of all, I have a second round interview with Eaton Corporation next week!! They are flying me out to Pittsburgh for a night to tour one of the plants, have dinner with some representatives, and give a presentation of "my contributions to a recent project." I'm really, really excited for two reasons: 1.) I haven't been on a plane since I was in ninth grade, and that was my first and only time ever, and 2.) I haven't given up hope on pursuing an internship for this summer yet! All I need to do is REALLY impress the HR department at Eaton, so hopefully they will hire me for the summer! :] My best friend is actually working for them as well (it will be her second internship with them), and it would be sweet if we could be at the same plant! Crossing my fingers for a good interview process next week :D

The second busy (yet FANTASTIC) thing I've had going on was preparation for the Phi Sigma Rho lock-in of the semester. Every sister must attend this so it was really difficult initially to find a time everyone could participate, but we did it! After the lock-in, we had a social and a sleep over for the girls who wanted to stay all night. Along with being Historian, I am on the social committee for the sorority, so we had several events to plan for the lock-in, particularly things we needed to get done as a group that is required by the National Sorority. This past Friday, we concentrated mostly on making the Alpha Class scrapbook, as well as our letters. For the week leading up to the event, the social committee, Social Chair, and I prepared the letters and talked about what kinds of things we wanted to document in the scrapbook.

My favorite part of the week was making the letters. It was the first time I had ever used power tools for a purpose, and guess what I did? I broke the blade to the jigsaw. So we had to wait another day to complete the cutting and sanding, but it was all finished by the lock-in! Funny though, that I'm an engineer major, and the first time I use power tools is my junior year for my sorority... :p Here's a few of the pictures of our process throughout the week:

The final letters still have the blue painters tape on them in these pictures, but I still think they look gorgeous :D Don't quote me on this, but I think we're the only sorority on campus who made their own letters. We're engineers, I mean, how could we not?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring!

Can you believe it's already the first day of Spring? It's not like we even really had a winter (not that I'm complaining!) and currently, it feels like summer outside! I heard that we might even hit a record high temperature in Michigan today; 86 degrees in March, doesn't that just seem so strange? I think I was still wearing my coat and jeans on the first day of spring last year..

Anyway, it seems that the nice weather is making it difficult to stay on task, doesn't it? I know I've had trouble with that since we got back from sprain break and I saw all of my friends outside playing sports and soaking up the sun.. I didn't even get to go outside for more than just walking between classes until yesterday! It was pretty warm outside too, and I think I even got a little sunburned on my face!

Well I hope everyone enjoys their first day of spring 2012! Take a walk, bike around campus, or just sit outside your dorm or class building and enjoy the warmth. I'm going to go outside and study for my exam now! :]

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm shipping off to Boston!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

Just a brief reminder to stay safe today and watch out for you friends. But, definitely enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather, I know that's my first priority today! <3

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now.

(I heard this song for the first time over break, and now I'm obsessed with it. It's been on repeat all day long while I was packing and making my way back to State! Glad You Came - The Wanted)

How is spring break already over? I honestly do not know where the time goes any more, but it completely escapes me. AND we lose an hour tonight because of Daylight Savings Time. I think we got jipped!

I had a list of things I NEEDED to get done over break, considering the piles of homework I was given the week before:

-ECE 345 Homework Assignment
-ME 361 Homework  Assignment
-ME 371 Homework Assignment
-MSE 250 Lab Reports 1-7
-ECE 345 1000 word essay
-MSE 250 5 page Literature Review
-ME 371 Research for Project 2
-Phi Sigma Rho scrapbook planning

Wow, now that I look at it, I had quite a bit to get accomplished. Here's how the list looked at the end of the week:

-ECE 345 Homework Assignment
-ME 361 Homework  Assignment
-ME 371 Homework Assignment
-MSE 250 Lab Reports 1-7
-ECE 345 1000 word essay
-MSE 250 5 page Literature Review
-ME 371 Research for Project 2
-Phi Sigma Rho scrapbook planning

I'm a little disappointed that I didn't write my five page paper or do my ECE homework (and that's due on Monday!) but at least I got some things done, right? I mean, it WAS spring break after all...

Apart from homework, I didn't do too much the rest of the week. I slept, which is a luxury most college students cannot afford, and that was definitely worthwhile to catch up on. I worked out almost every day as well, which is a thing I hope to continue into the rest of the semester, too. And I got to spend a day with my boyfriend who lives in a city about an hour and a half from me, so that was a great day. But mostly, my break was laid back and... restful.

How was your spring break?