Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.

I can't decide if I like my schedule or not. It's not the actual classes that I can't decide on, it's the order in which I have to attend them. I have my four Monday-Wednesday-Friday lectures on average from 9:10-2:40 three days a week with another two hour recitation Monday evening. Then I only have my engineering course on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that's not even until 3pm. I really love that my lectures are back-to-back with only twenty minutes in between, particularly for three reasons: one, it means I only really have to leave my complex three days a week, since my engineering class is in Wilson; two, it makes the classes go by quicker since they're all grouped together like in high school; and three, it gives me large blocks of time in the afternoons and nights to do my homework, work, blog, and hang out with my friends.

This all seems like nothing to complain about, right? Well, unfortunately, not in my case. My work schedule poses a hinderance on my work ethic, especially on Wednesdays, like today. I was very happy to get a "promotion" at the Bakery, but the hours are less than ideal. I work from 3:45-7:15am packing freshly baked bagels for the dorms and other various orders on campus. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have four classes in a row starting less than two hours after my shift ends. I actually like the work I do, despite the crazy hours. It's just, I found myself dozing in my first two classes. I was totally aware of my self nodding off, but I just couldn't snap myself out of it. I kept telling myself to wake up and pay attention, but my brain wouldn't let me. While it is partially my fault for not going to bed at a decent hour, my hall does not understand the meaning of the phrase "24-hour respect quiet hours." They just like to yell down the hallway, all day.

Honestly, this post took me longer than it should have  because my brain kept shutting down in the middle of writing it. Maybe it's naptime?

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